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Power of Attorney

Blumberg's New York Power of Attorney Forms

Also NY living will, health care proxy, affidavits, wills, etc.

The forms list below includes revised Powers of Attorney forms, related forms and form (40), a non-statutory commercial power of attorney for business, finance and real estate transactions prepared by Donovan & Giannuzzi, LLP.

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If you need to review a legal form before you buy it, click on the BFO (Blumberg Forms Online) icon New York Power of Attorney Forms next to the form. This will open a PDF of the form. Although you cannot print a blank form (Blumberg’s blank legal forms are available only as paper forms), you can read and review the entire form for free. After reviewing the form, if you want to buy blank paper forms, navigate back to the page from which you came and put the form into the shopping cart. We sell paper legal forms in various quantities depending on the page length of the form. When you order 1, we will ship one package of forms with the quantity stated in the description of the form.

Nationwide Power of Attorney Forms Click Here.

New Jersey Power of Attorney Form 930 Click Here (web only)
For Connecticut Power of Attorney Forms Click Here

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40 BFO NY Non-statutory, commercial (business, finance & real estate), prepared by Donovan & Giannuzzi, LLP, 5 pp., 9-10, 24 per pkg $48.00
43 BFO NY Statutory, non-durable, affidavit of attorney, 6 pp., 9-10, 24 per pkg $48.00
44 BFO NY Statutory, durable, without affidavit of attorney, 5 pp., 9-10, 24 per pkg $48.00
45 BFO NY Statutory major gifts rider, 3 pp., 9-10, 48 per pkg $48.00
49 BFO NY Statutory, effective at a future time (springing), durable, affidavit of attorney, 7 pp., 9-10, 24 per pkg $48.00
51 BFO NY Statutory, durable, affidavit of attorney, 6 pp., 9-10, 24 per pkg $48.00
Forms Related to New York Power of Attorney

BFO Appointment of agent to control disposition of remains, GBL §453, 2 pp., 4-07, 48 per pkg
462 BFO Revocation of power of attorney, GOL §5-1511, 3 & 4, 2 pp., 7-10    
93 BFO Affidavit that power of attorney is in full force and effect, 1 p., 4-09    
3111 BFO Affidavit of witnesses, memorandum of execution of will and instructions, 4 pp., 5-07    
177 BFO Will, married person, NY affidavit of subscribing witnesses, execution instructions, 8 pp.    
178 BFO Will, unmarried person, NY affidavit of subscribing witnesses, execution instructions, 8 pp.    
3039 BFO Affidavit of domicile (residence) and/or debts to obtain distribution from decedent’s estate    
3202 BFO Living will, 2 pp, 5-85, 48 per pkg $48.00
70 BFO Health care proxy 2 pp. 7-91, 48 per pkg $48.00
95 BFO Health care proxy with living will directives, 4 pp., 7-94, 24 per pkg $48.00
555 BFO Authorization for release of health information pursuant to HIPPA, OCA 960 $38.15

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