Content for Law Firm Web Sites
Improve your web site with consumer friendly legal content
For a small license fee, lawyers can add BlumbergExcelsior's client pamphlets to their web sites. The pamphlets cover consumer and business topics like buying a home, pursuing a personal injury claim, wills and collecting business debts. They address legal issues that arise in everyday life with an explanation of how they can be resolved with a lawyer's help. Each pamphlet includes check lists of planning considerations that clients can review with you, their attorney.
Free content for law firm web sites
Get one FREE HTML pamphlet with every $100 of imprinted marketing pamphlets that you purchase. Click for details.
For more information:
Call 800 221-2972 x1633 or email info@blumb.com
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Use order form below, call or email
Printed versions of Blumberg’s law firm marketing pamphlets.