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Law Firm Announcements - Thermographed

Prices include thermographed announcements and plain envelopes; design services and printed envelopes available

Thermographed law office announcements

Prices are for thermographed announcements in black ink and plain envelopes. Full color digital printing, add to prices: up to 500, $12.50; up to 1000, $15; up to 2500, $20; up to 5000, $25. $31.50 extra for logos.

  Card Folder 100 200 300 400 500 750 1000

4 Baronial 4 7/8" x 3 1/2"
White T608AP T608AFP $101.10 $128.00 $160.20 $190.40 $219.50 $306.00 $389.90
Ecru T908AP T908AFP 101.10 128.00 160.20 190.40 219.50 306.00 289.90

5 1/2 Baronial 4 1/4" x 5 1/2"
White T666AP T666AFP 115.70 145.60 188.55 211.00 237.40 330.00 420.90
Ecru T969AP T969AFP 115.70 145.60 188.55 211.00 237.40 330.00 420.90

6 Baronial 4 5/8" x 6 1⁄4"
White T626AP T626AFP 118.80 154.50 189.90 225.60 261.60 355.50 500.50
Ecru T929AP T929AFP 118.80 154.50 189.90 225.60 261.60 355.50 500.50

Offset Printing on Second Side of folder 54.00 54.00 54.30 54.30 54.50 59.80 66.00
Imprinted Envelopes 61.00 65.40 69.30 73.00 76.40 81.20 84.00

Using A Logo to Create a Professional Image

Since the Renaissance, logos have been used to mark products with the identity of their creator. Over the centuries their use grew, and today they have become almost indispensable for the creation of a professional image.

Read on for tips and resources to create and use a law firm logo.

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