The Attorney Case File
The Attorney Case File is a three-component digital case management system that can help you improve your efficiency, polish your professional image, manage more cases and increase your bottom line.

The Attorney Case File offers full flexibility and incredible detail for handling most any type case. It provides depth, detail and focus to civil or criminal, family or corporate, tax or tort, plaintiff or defendant, court or office. It is indispensable for case management at any level of expertise and in any size office. Regardless of your area of practice, this is one tool you can't afford to be without.
This three-component forms-based package covers everything you need from new client intake, billable hours, legal research, a detailed investigation, through creating a comprehensive trial notebook if your case involves court.
The Investigation Workbook
In court, good attorneys will never ask a question to which they do not already know the answer.
The Investigation Workbook has been used as a stand-alone tool by private investigators and police officers across the country. It provides a complete "investigation in a box" to either assist your in-house staff with the complex details of a thorough investigation or to help you set specific parameters for any outside vendor.

Many cases involve an investigation. If you rely on in-house staff, this workbook is their "investigation in a box."
The Investigation Workbook provides a complete "investigation in a box" to either assist your in-house staff with the details of a thorough investigation or to help you set specific parameters for outside vendors.
Just as The Attorney Case File overall is set to work virtually any type of case, its Investigation Workbook portion is capable of working any type of investigation.
The highly detailed tools in this component are the result of years of experience from professional investigators. These tools provide the framework and content necessary to launch an investigation starting with case and client background, through witness interview and affidavit tools, surveillance reports, witness locates, crime scene analysis, business asset and due diligence, and much, much, more.
Some of the many sections and forms contained in this workbook are:
- Case & Subject
Subject Data File - Subject Micro File
- General Addendum
- Investigative Data Sheets
Missing Persons / Locates - Wrongful Death
- Auto Accident
- Fire / Arson
- Crime Scene Analysis
- Business Due Diligence
- Theft
- Surveillance
- Property Inventory
- Theory & Gameplan
General "To-Do" Planner - Sources Checklist
- Activity Planner
- Client's Contact List
- Opposition's Contact List
- Case Event Timeline
- Data & Activity
Data Acquisition Tracker - Billable Hours & Expenses
- Billable Activity Journal
- Witness Interview
Witness Organizer Log - Interview Protocol
- Interviewee Rights
- Witness Acknowledgement
- Witness Dossier
- Interview Transcript Blank
- Clerical & Reports
Activity / Agent Scheduler - Report Blank
- Daily Report to Client
- Case Clerical Checklist
- Master Case Roster
- Investigations Disclaimer
For samples of these forms get "Case Management 101", a free ebook for investigators. It's part of the Investigation Workbook.
You'll need Adobe Acrobat ReaderĀ® to read this ebook. You can download Adobe for free at
Case/Client Workbook
The Case/Client Workbook is the central data coordinator related to the case and client.
Track all client background information and documentation; calendaring; opposing client & counsel; background & discovery; witnesses, interrogatories, and depositions; case law & statutory law research; time & expense billing; communications & correspondence; filings, motions, and pleadings; clerical activity; and more.

The case workbook acts as the central coordinator for all data related to the case and the client.
This section helps you track all client background information and documentation; game planning, theory, and "to do lists;" opposing client and counsel data; background and discovery; witnesses, interrogatories, and depositions; case law and statutory law research; time and expense billing; communication and correspondence; filings, motions, pleadings, and inter-office communication; clerical activity and case conclusion checklists; and more.
For the newcomer to the legal profession, this workbook provides an entire case in a fill-in-the-blank checklist that helps you display your professionalism to the client, makes you more efficient and prevents you from missing important detail.
For the seasoned veteran, this workbook provides an organized template to record the details you know to go after. It makes it much, much easier to delegate important assignments to those working with you and under you and it saves you valuable billable hours every time you use it.
Some of the many sections and forms contained in this workbook are:
- The Client and Case
Client Intake - Civil Case - Client Intake - Criminal Case
- Client Intake - General
- Master Litigants List
- History Sheet (Background)
- Index of Materials
- Activity and Billing
- Billable Hours/ Cost Tracker
Hours Tracker Addendum - General Addendum
- Filings & Documents
Pleadings & Motions Tracker - Document Prep Tracker
- General Addendum
- Legal Research
Case Law Research - Statutory Law Research
- Research Addendum
- Witnesses and Depositions
Witness Section Organizer - Client's Witness Data
- Opposition's Witness Data
- The Opposition
Opposing Client - Opposing Counsel
- History Sheet (Background)
- Master Litigants List
- Discovery
- General Addendum
- Case Gameplan
General "To Do" Planner - Activity Planner
- Briefs & Memos
- Eight Week Planner
- Annual Planner
- Case Event Timeline
- Clerical & Communication
Clerical Checklist - Subpoena List
- Contacts Register
- Single Site Contact Log
- Correspondence Log
- Outside Vendors Log
The Trial Notebook
The Trial Notebook readies both you and your case materials for your day in court.
The Trial Notebook can be used as a stand-alone trial notebook or it provides you a template to organize the materials gathered while using the Case/Client Workbook and the Investigation Workbook. Whether your court appearance is a simple hearing or a full jury trial, this notebook alone is worth the price of the entire package.

The Trial Notebook will help make your day in court a success.
This simple to use and highly detailed tool will save you hours upon hours of work (and headache) in preparation for a court appearance, whether you have a simple hearing or a full jury trial. This notebook alone is worth the price of the entire package.
This notebook focuses on the trial-specific nature of your case and helps you organize its presentation and all your other court-related material such as legal research, discovery materials, jury selection notes, court journals, opening and closing statements and more. This component will help set you up for success whether you're entering a criminal or civil court, or whether you represent the plaintiff, prosecution or defense.
Though not all cases wind up in court, this is one tool that is much better to have and not need than to need and not have. Therefore, it's an integral component of this system. (Remember, the Trial Notebook, just like the other workbooks in this system, has unlimited usage. It's yours forever, once you buy the complete package.)
Some of the many sections and forms contained in this workbook are:
- Case: Ours
Witness Schedule - Evidence Log
- Support Briefs
- Case: Opposition's
Discovery - Impeachment Briefs
- General Addendum
- Judge & Jury
Juror Questionnaire - Jury Seating Chart / Notes
- Judge Profile
- Motions & Court Journal
- Trial Motions Log
Daily Journal Template - Journal Addendum
- Pleadings & Motions
- Memoranda
- Opposition's Filings
- Statements
Opening Statements - Closing Statements
- General Addendum
- Opposition's Opening Remarks
- Opp's Closing Statements
- General Addendum
Samples of a few of these forms are located in the "Trial Notebook" ebook, a 42-page free tutorial to help you create and organize a thorough and professional trial notebook. It's our way of saying thank you to our friends in the legal profession.
FREE samples in educational ebooks
Experience the incredible depth, breadth and detail of this simple, low-cost system with these free samples.
Below you'll find links to two sample sets which are housed in educational ebooks. These samples showcase some of our form sets and also help make your law office lives a little bit easier, which is our main goal in the first place.
The "Trial Notebook," in addition to containing 18 sample forms from the "Trial Notebook" component of the system, is a helpful tool that will help you organize your case for presentation in court. Through The Attorney Case File we provide you a lifetime of case management for the price of one billable hour. This small Trial Notebook sample set in and of itself will save you several hours of prep time! Click below to download.
"Case Management 101," with 9 sample forms from the "Investigation Workbook," is a small how-to guide for organizing a thorough, detailed and efficient investigation. In cases requiring an investigation one of two things usually happens. One, in-house staff usually does the bulk of the investigation, or two, the case is assigned to an outside investigator. If in-house staff is used, they'll need a set of detailed tools that will act as a fill-in-the-blank "case in a box" so they can complete a successful investigation. If an outside investigator is hired, they'll need established parameters and they'll also need tools that will ensure their professional image as they represent your firm in the course of their activities. In either event, the "Investigation Workbook" will be worth its weight in gold, and, like the "Trial Notebook" ebook, will save you several hours of prep time in organizing your investigation. Click below to download.
How to Order
Add the item to the cart below or call Blumberg at 800 529-6278 x1565.
Within 48 hours, we will send you an email with zip files of the software.
We will also send you a CD via USPS Priority Mail.
30-day software return policy assures satisfaction.
The Attorney Case File is a customizable set of tools intended to act as a framework for the utilization of your legal training and expertise. It is up to the user to know, understand and comply with local, state and federal laws as they apply to the acquisition, utilization and safeguarding of the data this system allows you to organize. BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. makes no claim as to the either the legality of your activities or the financial success of your business. We only warrant that The Attorney Case File is a very comprehensive, highly detailed and superbly professional set of tools that will help you as much as your expertise allows.
The Software License
Being a softcopy intellectual product, The Attorney Case File sales is a license and not a full rights purchase. To that end, the following points apply:
This license allows "purchaser" to use this package for the one physical address of the purchaser.
There is no limit to the number of workstations at this physical address on which the software is installed.
There is no per-user restriction.
There is no restriction on the number of hardcopy or softcopy files created (for in-house use only) by this software package.
If purchaser's address is the headquarters of an entity with branch offices, and the other offices would like a copy of The Attorney Case File, separate purchases must be made for each address or physical location. Contact us for bulk purchase prices.
For educational institutions, where students would enjoy taking this material with them, please email for our academic pricing.