New York Not-for-Profit Corporation Forms
Pursuant to the New York Nonprofit Revitalization Act of 2013
Amended, Effective, May 27, 2017
Prepared by and ©2014, 2017 by
The Lawyers Alliance for New York
A nonprofit organization that connects nonprofits working in low-income New York City communities
with a network of pro bono lawyers from law firms and corporations.
Online fillable forms with editable default language. View your form before buying.
191C Certificate of incorporation, not-for-profit corporation, charitable purpose
191NC Certificate of incorporation, not-for-profit corporation, non-charitable purpose
5153MEM Membership corporations: bylaws, organization minutes, waiver of notice, title page
5153WOM Corporations without members: bylaws, organization minutes, waiver of notice, title page
5153CIP Conflict of Interest Policy, notes
5153WB Whistleblower Policy, notes
5153AC Audit Committee Charter, notes
– Skadden commentary about changes in the NY not-for-profit law
– Lawyers Alliance commentary about the New York not-for-profit corporation forms
CD For Unlimited Use (order below)
5153D Disk with forms listed above except 191C and 119NC, in Word format, editable default language, footnotes and commentaries, $39.95.
Paper Forms (order below)
5153 NY minutes and bylaws for a not-for-profit corporation with suggested default language and
notes. Contains the forms listed above except 191C and 119NC, 6-17, $15.75 with nonprofit corporate kit, $22.50 without kit.