New and Revised Legal Forms and Products
We keep our forms current with the law. We constantly add new forms, revise and discontinue old forms.
The latest revision dates, when applicable, will be found in the Numerical List of Blumberg Forms. To determine if you are holding outdated forms, check the date at the top of the form against the publication date shown in our Numerical List. If your form has an earlier date, replace it with the revised version.
Blumberg has over 300 Legal Forms you can see instantly before you buy.
January 2017
Revised Forms
The revision reflects the increase on December 31, 2016 of the current dollar amount of the exemption from enforcement of judgments based upon the revised NY State minimum wage. NYS has enacted various wage amounts so please check the accompanying wage chart on page 3 of the form and use the applicable amount to calculate in the appropriate field.
New York - Enforcement of Judgments
439 - Income execution, CPLR §5231, blank ct., 1-17
June 2016
Revised Forms
New York - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - Leases - Condominium
101 - Condominium unit lease, plain English, 8 pps. Prepared by Arnold Mandell, 5-16
Connecticut - Powers of Attorney, Agents, Health Care
1220 - Uniform general power of attorney (durable), certification of validity and authority, CT Uniform Power of Attorney Act, 5 pp, 7-16 Note: the Uniform Form is durable unless the Principal indicates otherwise
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - All
101G - Condominium unit lease, plain English, 8 pps. Prepared by Arnold Mandell, 5-16
May 2016
Revised Form
Pennsylvania - Powers of Attorney, Agents, Health Care, Wills
1899 - Pennsylvania general durable power of attorney, 5 pp., 5-16
April 2016
Revised Forms
New York - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - Leases - Apartment: Regulated 56 - Lease for a rent stabilized apartment, 12 pp., with lease riders, including the revised Rent Stabilization Rider (3-16), 28 pp., prepared by Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treimen, 11-15
New York - Landlord and Tenant - Lease - Related Forms - Rider
61 - Riders for regulated and unregulated apartments in NYC, including the revised Rent Stabilization Rider, 33 pp., 7-14
January 2016
Revised Form
The revision reflects the increase on January 1, 2016 of the current dollar amount of the exemption from enforcement of judgments based upon the revised NY State minimum wage. Watch this NEWS section for information about coming increases in the fast food industry and the NYS employees minimum wage.
New York - Enforcement of Judgments
439 Income execution, CPLR §5231, blank ct., notice about Fast Food Workers, 12 NYCRR §146-1.2 & 3.13, 3 pp., 1-16
November 2015
New Forms
Most successful franchise systems have great locations. For these franchisors, the investment of time and energy for site selection is significant and retaining those sites is very important. The most popular method of providing a franchisor control over a location is by obtaining the landlord's written agreement to certain key lease provisions. Franchisors can present this form to its franchisees as the "standard" form of lease rider for a retail space. The franchisee in turn will seek to cause the landlord to incorporate these terms into the lease agreement. This form contains the most critical and customary clauses to include in a lease agreement to achieve the franchisor's goal of controlling favorable real estate.
New York - Landlord and Tenant
405 - Standard franchise lease rider between, landlord, tenant franchisee and franchisor, 3 pp., 11-15
New Jersey - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases)
905 - Standard franchise lease rider between, landlord, tenant franchisee and franchisor, 3 pp., 11-15
Pennsylvania - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases)
1895 - Standard franchise lease rider between, landlord, tenant franchisee and franchisor, 3 pp., 11-15
Florida - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases)
1905 - Standard franchise lease rider between, landlord, tenant franchisee and franchisor, 3 pp., 11-15
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases)
3015 - Standard franchise lease rider between, landlord, tenant franchisee and franchisor, 3 pp., 11-15
Revised Forms
Short-term rentals are common (and perhaps inescapable) in a city like New York and other popular destinations, despite laws that prohibit the rental of an apartment in a Multiple Dwelling for less than 30 consecutive days. Recently, however there's been a dramatic upsurge in such rentals, thanks to vacation rental apps that have made the transactions simpler and more attractive for tenants and travelers. How much of a problem is it and how should it be addressed?
Vacation rental apps provide an online marketplace that connects people with apartments to rent with people who need a place to stay. There are, of course, many proponents of this business model. After all, these types of services have been used for generations to aid travelers of modest means. And what apartment owner or tenant would not jump at the opportunity to earn a few extra dollars? Especially, in New York City where it's more lucrative. Besides, what's the harm?
In fact, quite a few parties might be harmed - and not just those directly involved. Certainly, owners and the building management are affected by violations of the law. There is, for instance, the cost of fines and lawsuits brought by these transient renters or by parties who suffer damage. Meanwhile, from a government viewpoint, such transactions may ignore, not only zoning laws, but numerous fire, safety and hazard prevention laws. In addition, it is likely that the income earned by the tenant/lessor will never be reported for tax purposes. In the long run, these issues can affect many, if not all, services provided by the government to its citizens.
Frequently, however, the impact of the trend is most keenly felt by neighbors who live in these buildings. Recent news reports have been full of tenant complaints about excessive noise, damage and general offensiveness on the part of vacationers on short term stays. Reports of greater threats and dangers are not uncommon. And even when it poses no immediate danger, the presence of transients can be disturbing. Tenants may rightfully feel that the changing stream of residents across the hall violates their right to the quiet enjoyment of their own premises. Who wants to live in a hotel without a hotel's security?
With the need to enforce the ban against such rentals pitted against the realities of the marketplace, it often falls to the owner or management of the building to discourage tenants from violating the law. Including a paragraph in lease agreements that specifically prohibits these types of short-term rentals could go very far in deterring them, especially if the penalty for violation results in financial damages or even eviction. We have revised the following forms to include a new paragraph Short Term Rentals Prohibited.
New York - Landlord and Tenant
48 - *Apartment lease, balanced moderate coverage, plain English, 2 pp., 11-15
57 - Lease for an unregulated apartment, 13 pp., with lease riders, 23 pp., prepared by Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treimen, 11-15
54 - *House lease, furn/unfurn, brokerage clause, guaranty, acknowledgments, Plain English, 4 pp., 11-15
495 - *House lease, furn/unfurn, moderate coverage, plain English, 4 pp., 11-15
56 - Lease for a rent stabilized apartment, 12 pp., with lease riders, including the revised Rent Stabilization Rider, 28 pp., prepared by Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treimen, 11-15
86 - Sublease of a cooperative apartment, 13 pp., prepared by Adam Leitman Bailey, Leonard H. Ritz and Dov Treimen, 11-15
102 - Condominium unit lease, 10 pp., prepared by Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treimen, 11-15
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Landlord and Tenant
55 - *Apartment lease, comprehensive, guaranty, acknowledgments, plain English, 4 pp., 11-15
October 2015
Revised Form
New York - Corporations191C - Certificate of incorporation, not-for-profit corporation, charitable purposes, 3 pp., 10-15
August 2015
Revised Forms
New York - Employment & Severance
98 - Severance agreement & general release, 8-15
New Jersey - Employment & Severance
801 - Severance agreement & general release, 8-15
Connecticut - Employment & Severance
1201 - Severance agreement & general release, 8-15
Pennsylvania - Employment & Severance
1898 - Severance agreement & general release, 8-15
Florida - Employment & Severance
1960 - Severance agreement & general release, 8-15
3132 - Severance agreement & general release, 8-15
3171 - Severance agreement & general release, 8-15
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Business
3172 - Severance agreement & general release, 8-15
July 2015
Revised Forms
The revision reflects the increase on April 1, 2015 of the statutory exempt payment pursuant to CPLR § 5205(l) and CPLR § 5205(l)(2), to $2750.New York - Enforcement of Judgments
460 - Execution Against Property, To Sheriff, Enforcement of Money Judgment, Blank Court, 4-15
June 2015
New Form
New York - Real Estate - Deed
685 - *Deed, warranty, full covenants, NYBTU Form 8003, 2 pp., 11-98
Revised Form
The revision reflects the increase on April 1, 2015 of the statutory exempt payment pursuant to CPLR § 5205(l) and CPLR § 5205(l)(2), to $2750.
New York - Enforcement of Judgments
439 - Income execution, CPLR §5231, blank ct., 4-15
Intelligent Mail Package Barcodes for Privately Printed Forms or Labels
Effective May 31, 2015, the USPS requires that all Certified Mail forms and labels must contain an additional USPS-developed barcode under the address on the front of the Return Receipt Card. This will enable tracking the Return Receipt Post Card back to the original sender. This requirement will affect PS Form 3800 (Certified Mail Receipt) and PS Form 3811 (Domestic Mail Receipt forms).
On June 2, 2015, The USPS granted a 90 day extension of this requirement. During that time, any user of our current forms 3086, 3086BCN and 3087 that include USPS forms 3800 and 3811 will be permitted to continue to use those forms, as long as they are accompanied by the attached letter from the USPS (downloadable here). At the end of that time (September 2, 2015), all mailings will be required to comply with the new barcode specifications.
We are revising our software and forms and expect to have them available long before that date.
For further information call 800 221-2972 x565.
April 2015
Revised Forms
New York - Enforcement of Judgments
120 - Execution with notice to garnishee, blank ct., 4-15
320 - Execution against property to sheriff or marshal, notice to garnishee, Civil Ct., 4-15
New Forms
New York - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - All
New York - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - Leases - Commercial
256 - *Lease, office or loft, 4 pp., 11-98
New York - Real Estate - All New York - Real Estate - Mortgage: Assignment, Note and Satisfaction
311 - Subordination of mortgage agreement. 4 pp., 11-98
March 2015
Groundbreaking Office Lease Published
Blumberg has published a contemporary, all-inclusive, comprehensive office lease and guaranty (form 103) authored by Arnold Mandell, Esq., creator of the widely used Blumberg Condominium Lease (form 101) and contributor to Blumberg's portfolio of Plain Language Apartment Leases.
The Author, a leading expert and recognized authority in the commercial lease domain, has drafted this modern document for the landlord practitioner. It incorporates broadened and updated concepts of office leasing combined with expanded in-depth coverage of fundamental protections for the landlord and its investment.
The lease includes concepts and content not presently contained in general use office lease forms.
Fill-in and purchase the form online, or license it to use in your firm's document development program. For licensing information contact Clive McKenzie at 800 529-6278 x565.
New Forms
New York - Family Law (Domestic Relations)
New York - Summonses and Answer
163 - Summons with notice, action to annul a marriage, notice of automatic order, 3pp, 1-95
New York - Summary Proceedings (RPAPL) - Statement of Service and Acknowledgement
266S - Statement of service and acknowledgement of receipt by mail, CPLR §312-a, 2 pp., 7-94
Revised Form
New York - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - All
New York - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - Leases - Commercial
185 - Blumberg's improved Gilsey form lease. 4 pp, 7-04
February 2015
The Jury Case Jury Selection Grid and Tags
The Jury Case is the Voir Dire Organizer for the bench and the bar that makes jury selection more efficient, keeps the attorney connected to the jury during trial and aids in the formulation of the closing argument. Click here for more information.
New Forms
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Business
New York - Business Agreements
3002 - Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement, 2 pp., 2-15
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - General
New York - Affidavit or Affirmation
3211 - Affidavit and proof of claim or debt, 1 p., 2-15
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - All
New York - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - All
3214 - Roommate agreement, 2 pp., 2-15
January 2015
Revised Form
The revision reflects the increase on January 1, 2015 of the current dollar amount of the exemption from enforcement of judgments based upon the revised NY State minimum wage.
New York - Enforcement of Judgments
December 2015
Revised Forms
New York - Powers of Attorney, Agents, Health Care, Wills, Estates
49 - Statutory form, effective at a future time (springing), durable, affidavit of attorney, 7 pp., 12-14
New Forms
North Carolina
55-301 - *Deed of trust, 3 pp., 2007
55-601 - *General warranty deed, 2 pp., 8-02
55-701 - *Quitclaim deed, 2 pp., 8-02
55-720 - *Release deed, 2 pp., 2007
55-832 - *Statutory short form power of attorney, 2 pp., 2007
*Online Only
November 2014
Revised Forms
New York Residential Lease Forms
Compliance with New Sprinkler System Notification Requirements, Effective December 3, 2014
We will be revising all of our leases to comply with Chapter 202 of the 2014 Session Laws of New York. The legislation requires conspicuous notification in residential leases regarding the existence or non-existence of a sprinkler system in leased premises and, if a sprinkler system exists in the residence, common areas or both, the last date of maintenance and inspection. The law is broad and sweeping applying to every residential house, apartment, coop and condo lease and sublease. The December 3, 2014 effective date leaves landlords only one month to replace their leases or to create riders for noncompliant leases.
We will add the Sprinkler System Statement within the body of the form just prior to the signature sections. Look for 12-15 dates. The forms to be revised are Cat. Nos.:
48, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 86, 101, 102, 186, 193, 195, 202, 303, 313, 327, *330, *330CTY, 495
You can use leases with dates earlier than 12-15 until December 2, 2014. We will begin to upload revised forms with 12-15 dates on or about November 1, 1014.
To utilize lease forms with earlier dates, we will add a new form, Sprinkler Statement Rider, Long Form, 12-14 (Cat. Nos. 329 online and T329 in paper). Use this form after December 2, 2014 when you execute new leases for New York residences without sprinkler system statements.
*330 (RTP-8) and 330CTY (RTP-* ETPA) Renewal Leases were revised by the DHCR with a 9-14 date.
New Forms
New York - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - Lease-Related Forms - Riders
329 - Sprinkler statement residential lease rider, long form, 1 p.
October 2014
Revised New York Residential Lease Forms
Brooklyn, NY – October 2, 2014 – BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. announced that the company will be revising all of its New York residential leases to comply with Chapter 202 of the 2014 Session Laws of New York. The legislation requires conspicuous notification in residential leases regarding the existence or non-existence of a sprinkler system in leased premises and, if a sprinkler system exists, the last date of maintenance and inspection. The law is broad and sweeping applying to every residential house, apartment, coop and condo lease and sublease. The December 3, 2014 effective date leaves landlords only two months to replace their leases or to create riders for noncompliant leases.
In announcing the new forms, Bob Blumberg, President and CEO, said, "Our legal team has already begun to update Blumberg's twenty four paper and online New York lease forms. We will reprint all paper lease and sublease forms with a sprinkler system statement. We will also revise our online forms that are for use in New York exclusively with a sprinkler statement. Online forms for multiple jurisdictions will include a short form sprinkler statement rider."
Blumberg will also publish a long form rider in paper (T329) and online (329) to enable landlords to continue to use existing stocks of paper forms.
Revised Forms
New York - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - Lease-Related Forms - Extension and Renewal
330 - *Renewal lease form, DHCR RTP-8, Sec. 2523.5(a) RSC for use in New York City, 9-14 •
330CTY - *Renewal lease form, DHCR RTP-8 EPTA, Nassau, Rockland & Westchester, 9-14
August 2014
New Product
BlumbergExcelsior Tell-a-Seal™
Labels Identify Corporate and Notary Seals Brooklyn, NY – August 21, 2014 – BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. introduces TELL-a-SEAL™ labels that fit over the nub on a pocket seal die holder and on the handle for quick identification of the name, state and year on the die of a corporate seal or the name and state of the notary on a notary seal.
In introducing the label, Bob Blumberg, President and CEO, said, "For many years people have been fumbling around in their drawers, on their shelves and desks and in their corporate kits for the appropriate corporate, LLC, architect or engineer seal for the documents to be signed and sealed. Until now, to identify the correct seal you had to strain to read the reverse intaglio image on the die or counter. No more! Now you can find the pocket seal you want in a bunch of seals quickly and without making an impression."
On occasion, seals have been returned to the wrong corporate kit and subsequently documents have been embossed with the wrong seal delaying the execution of the document while embarrassing the professional supervising the document signing. TELL-a-SEAL labels ensure that pocket seals are returned to the correct kit, avoiding embossing documents with the wrong seal.
Blumberg will include TELL-a-SEAL™ labels with every BlumbergExcelsior pocket seal and corporate/LLC kit free until December 31, 2014. Thereafter there will be a nominal charge.
TELL-a-SEAL™ labels, for which a patent is pending, is an exclusive product of BlumbergExcelsior, the original creator of the corporate kit
Revised Form!
New York - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - All
61 - Riders for regulated and unregulated apartments in NYC, including the revised Rent Stabilization Rider, 33 pp., 7-14
July 2014
New Forms
New York Not-for-Profit Corporation Forms
Pursuant to the New York Nonprofit Revitalization Act of 2013, Effective, July 1, 2014
Prepared by Lawyers Alliance for New York. A nonprofit organization that connects nonprofits working in low-income New York City communities with a network of pro bono lawyers from law firms and corporations.
New York - Corporations
• 191C - Certificate of incorporation, not-for-profit corporation, charitable purposes, 3 pp., 7-14
• 191NC - Certificate of incorporation, not-for-profit corporation, non-charitable purposes, 2 pp., 7-14
• 5153AC - Audit committee charter, notes, 7 pp., 7-14
• 5153CIP - Conflict of interest policy, notes, 7 pp., 7-14
For commentary about the changes in the Nonprofit Revitalization Act of 2013, click here
For commentary about the Not-for-Profit Corporation Forms, click here
June 2014
Revised Forms
New York - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - Lease - Related Forms - Guaranty
36 - Limited guaranty of lease, "good guy" form, prepared by Arnold Mandell, 3 pp., 6-14
New Jersey - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases)
36NJ - Limited guaranty of lease, "good guy" form, prepared by Arnold Mandell, 3 pp., 6-14
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - Guaranty
36G - Limited guaranty of lease, "good guy" form, prepared by Arnold Mandell, 3 pp., 6-14
May 2014
New Forms
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Bankruptcy
232 - General power of attorney (OF 11A 6-90) and special power of attorney (OF 11B 6-90), 8-91
April 2014
New Forms
New Jersey - Release
908 - General release, individual, plain language, 10-81
New Jersey - Real Estate
922 - *Contract for sale of real estate, long form, plain language, 8 pp., 4-14
March 2014
Revised Forms!
New York - Retainers and Retainer Statements
540 - Retainer, straight 33 1/3%, 3-14
541 - Statement, blank fee, App. Div. 1st & 2nd Dept., 3-14
548 - Retainer, sliding scale, 3-14
549 - Statement, sliding scale, App. Div. 1st & 2nd Dept., 3-14
New Forms
New York - Pretrial
132 - Demand for service of complaint, 2014
New York - Enforcement of Judgments
New York - Family Law (Domestic Relations)
139 - Income execution for support enforcement CPLR § 5241, 3-14
New York - Powers of Attorney, Agents, Health Care, Wills, Estates
175 - Affidavit of subscribing witness to will made at testor(trix)'s request, SCPA §1406, 3-14
New York - Powers of Attorney, Agents, Health Care, Wills, Estates
New York - Real Estate - All
New York - Real Estate - Contract of Sale, Purchase Offer
New York - Real Estate - Miscellaneous
214 - Acknowledgments, uniform certificate of; proof by a person and by a subscribing witness, 2 pp., 3-14
New York - Real Estate - All
New York - Real Estate - Miscellaneous
368 - Cancellation of lis pendens by stipulation, attorney's affirmations CPLR 6514(d) & 6514(e), 3 pp., 3-14
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Uniform Commercial Code - Security Agreements
84 - Security agreement in the nature of a conditional sales contract, 3-14
85 - Assignment of a security agreement, 3-14
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Corporations
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - General
228 - Bond power, assignment, separate from certificate, 1 p., 3-14
February 2014
New Forms
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Business
87 - Equipment lease, 2 pp., 2-14
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - General
117 - Affidavit, blank for any purpose, 2 pp., 2-14
New York - Summonses and Answer
1464 - Summons, serve with formal complaint, District Court, blank county, 22 NYCRR 212.6(d), 12 pt. type, 2 pp, 2-14
1466 - Summons, endorsed complaint, District Court, blank county, 22 NYCRR 212.6(c), 12 pt. type , 2 pp., 2-14
New York - Powers of Attorney, Agents, Health Care, Wills, Estates
579 - Claim against decedent's estate, affidavit in support of claim, SCPA §1803, 2 pp., 2-14
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Real Estate
New York - Real Estate - Contract of Sale, Purchase Offer
487 - Option to buy real estate, plain English, 4 pp., 2-14
New York - Summary Proceedings (RPAPL) - Civil Court - Non-payment - Dwelling
138 - Affidavit of merit in support of application for default judgment (rent due and owing), Civil Ct., 2-14
Revised Form!
New York - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - Notices
119 - Notice to tenant, 3 days, English and Spanish, public assistance statement, 2-14
January 2014
Revised Forms
The revision reflects the increase on January 1, 2014 of the current dollar amount of the exemption from enforcement of judgments based upon the revised NY State minimum wage
New York - Enforcement of Judgments 439 - Income execution, CPLR §5231, blank ct., 1-14
December 2013
New Forms
North Carolina
54-305 - Residential property and owner's association disclosure statement, 4 pp., 2013
55-835 - Health care power of attorney, 4 pp., 1-08
October 2013
New Forms
New York - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) - Lease-Related Forms - Extension and Renewal
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Landlord and Tenant (including Leases)
197 - Extension of lease, commercial space, 10-13
Revised Forms
New York - Business Certificates
341 - Cancellation of business certificate, individual, 10-13
September 2013
- New Forms
- Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Real Estate
3123 - Subordination, nondisturbance and attornment agreement, 5 pp., 9-13
3124 - Installment land contract, 7 pp., 9-13
August 2013
- Updated Legal Software
June 2013
- New Forms
- Pennsylvania
899 - Pennsylvania general durable power of attorney, 6pp., 5-13 - Updated Product for Law Offices
- New York Amended Statement of Client's Rights Plaques
May 2013
- New Forms
- New York
306 - Judgment on default, verified complaint, military service affidavit, 2 pp., 1-95 - Revised Forms
1930 - General durable power of attorney; acknowledgments and affidavits of agents, 6 pp., 5-13
March 2013
- New Forms
- North Carolina
55-890 - North Carolina Living will - Georgia
1875 - Apartment lease, 2 - 3 unit building, furnished (with schedule), or unfurnished, 8 pps., 3-13
876 - House lease, furnished (with schedule), or unfurnished, 8 pps., 3-13
877 - House lease, unfurnished, 4 pps., 3-13
January 2013
- New Forms
- Pennsylvania - Employment & Severance
- 1898 - Severance agreement & general release, 4 pp., 1-13
- New Jersey - Employment & Severance
801 - Severance agreement & general release, 4 pp., 1-13 - Illinois
3171 - Severance agreement & general release, 4 pp., 1-13 - Connecticut- Employment & Severance
1201 - Severance agreement & general release, 4 pp., 1-13 - Texas
3132 - Severance agreement & general release, 4 pp., 1-13 - New York - Employment & Severance
98 - Severance agreement & general release, 4 pp., 1-13 - Florida
1960 - FL severance agreement & general release, 4 pp., 1-13 - Ohio
3230 - Ohio statutory power of attorney, durable, 4 pp. 1-13 - Massachusetts
- 3160 - Mass. general durable power of attorney, healthcare proxy & living wishes statement, 6 pp., 1-13
- Revised Form!
- New Jersey - Power of Attorney
- 931 - Newsey general durable power of attorney, 1-13
December 2012
- New Forms
- Georgia
- 1886 - Statutory financial power of attorney, explanations, GA Code §10-6-142 (2010), 7 pp., 12-12
- Florida
- 1951 - Residential house lease, unfurnished, 12-12
- 1956 - General release by an individual, 12-12
- 1957 - General release by a corporation or LLC, 12-12
- 1977 - Will, married person, affidavit of subscribing witnesses, execution instructions, 8 pp., 12-12
- 1978 - Will, unmarried person, affidavit of subscribing witnesses, execution instructions, 8 pp., 12-12
Texas - 3153 - Residential lease, unfurnished apartment, 4 pp., 12-12
- 3157 - Will, married person, affidavit of subscribing witnesses, execution instructions, 8 pp., 12-12
- 3158 - Will, unmarried person, affidavit of subscribing witnesses, execution instructions, 8 pp., 12-12
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy-General - 3205 - Deed of gift with acknowledgment, 1 p., 12-12
Revised Form
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy-Bankruptcy - 1031 - Proof of claim, OF 10 with instructions, 12-12
November 2012
- Thomson Reuters and BlumbergExcelsior Sign a Strategic Licensing Agreement.
- Westlaw Form Builder to add more than 250 Blumberg New York forms.
- New Form! Illinois
- 3170 - Statutory short form power of attorney, 9-12
- Revised Form!
- New York - Enforcement of Judgments
- 251 - Examination of judgment debtor: questions and answers-corporate, LLC debtor, enforcement of money judgments, Blank Ct., 11-12
June 2012
NEW! Blumberg Form 86
Sublease of a Cooperative Apartment in New York
May 2012
Revised Forms
- 339 - Certificate of assumed name for corporation, 2 pp., 6-12. Includes request for Expedited Service.
- 1896 - Commercial retail lease (e.g., store, strip center, shopping center), comprehensive short form. Revised and improved by Frank N. Tobolsky, Esq., 4-12
- 86 - Sublease of a cooperative apartment, 13 pp., 5-12, prepared by Adam Leitman Bailey, Leonard H. Ritz and Dov Treimen
New York - Summary Proceedings (RPAPL) - Civil Court - Non-payment - Business - 206B - Petition, non-payment, business, Civil Ct., 10-06
- 207B - Notice of petition, non-payment, business, Civil Ct., 10-06
- Connecticut - Powers of Attorney, Agents, Health Care
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Powers of Attorney, Agents, Health Care, Wills
New York - Powers of Attorney, Agents, Health Care, Wills -
3039 - Affidavit of domicile (residence) and/or debts to obtain distribution from decedent's estate, 5-12
New York - Business Certificates
New York - Corporations
Pennsylvania - Landlord and Tenant
New Forms!
A new comprehensive cooperative apartment sublease drafted by prominent real estate attorneys Adam Leitman Bailey, Leonard Ritz and Dov Treiman of Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. It may be the best and most comprehensive cooperative sublease ever written.
The authors are among New York's most prominent cooperative and landlord and tenant attorneys. Their writing credits include over 90 books reviewing every major cooperative litigation and eviction case. They have participated in thousands of cooperative apartment law suits and evictions. They now provide corporate counsel to hundreds of buildings city-wide.
This new cooperative apartment sublease form accounts for changes and developments in the law during the last three decades. It better protects and secures property owners' rights and also adapts the lease to current technological changes affecting property owners.
These forms provide lease provisions to facilitate the eviction of tenants who chronically pay rent late, harbor pets illegally or refuse to vacate after the termination of the lease. The form also regulates acceptable noise levels - including musical instruments and sound producing electronic devices; prohibit or regulate smoking; and include measures to decrease the proliferation and spread of mold.
"Blumberg's legal team in conjunction with prominent real estate attorneys from Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. have put together the most remarkable sublease that will certainly better protect cooperative unit-owning shareholders."
New York - Cooperative Apartments
New York - Landlord and Tenant - Leases - Cooperative Apartment
April 2012
New Forms
New York - Notices
New York - Pretrial
• 64 - Notice of intention to introduce into evidence a bill for automobile repairs, verification, CPLR 4533-a, 4-12
• 257 - Notice of intention to introduce X-rays at trial, affirmation of physician, CPLR 4532-a, 4-12
• 258 - Notice of intention to introduce into evidence a bill for service or repairs, verification or affirmation, CPLR 4533-a, 4-12
New York - Consent, Stipulation and Release
• 200 - Stipulation extending time to answer, Blank Court, 4-12
• 213 - Stipulation and consent to vacate judgment, Blank Court, 4-12
• 259 - Stipulation extending time to serve complaint, Blank Court, 4-12
• 260 - Stipulation adjourning trial, Blank Court, 4-12
March 2012
New Form
New York - Summonses and Answer
• 264 - Summons, Civil Court; served with a formal complaint; 3-12
February 2012
New Form
New York - Judgments
• 323 - Judgment on inquest or after trail, Civil Court, 1974 Revised Form! Florida
• 1930 - General durable power of attorney; acknowledgment and affidavit of agent, 2-12
January 2012
New Software
Blumberg Entity Tracker
New Forms
New York - Powers of Attorney, Agents, Health Care, Wills
• 177 - Will, married person, affidavit of subscribing witnesses, execution instructions, 8 pp., 1-12
• 178 - Will, unmarried person, affidavit of subscribing witnesses, execution instructions, 8 pp., 1-12
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Powers of Attorney, Agents, Health Care, Wills
• 3177 - Will, married person, affidavit of subscribing witnesses, execution instructions, 8 pp., 1-12
• 3178 - Will, unmarried person, affidavit of subscribing witnesses, execution instructions, 8 pp., 1-12
December 2011
New Form
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy - Real Estate
• 3105 - Use and occupancy agreement, seller remains, 12-11
Revised Form
• 1930 - General durable power of attorney; acknowledgment and affidavit of agent, 12-11
November 2011
Revised Forms
Comprehensive leases for regulated and unregulated apartments in New York and Nationwide, revised and updated by Adam Leitman Bailey & Dov Treiman
These revised leases reflect the concerns of contemporary real estate practice.
Landlords should protect themselves through modern leases to avoid the consequences of various judicial precedents and legislative laws meant to favor tenant, account for the Internet and technological advances and recognize recent developments in the law. Landlords gain rights, time and money using these revised modern leases.
Maximize Income
Landlords make money by collecting rent from tenants and keeping the cost of maintenance and repairs at a minimum. Landlords are best protected from loss of income when the lease sets forth the result of any and all potential conflicts.
These leases give a precise definition in the event of a tenant’s continuous late payment. The chronic non-payment proceeding is treated as a violation of the tenancy. The landlord can look directly to the lease in addition to the judicial precedents. Also, it permits the landlord to terminate the lease before the end date, maximizing income and use of resources.
In addition, landlords can collect greater revenue for extra services their buildings provide, which would be lost without the provisions of these leases. The leases name all monies coming to the landlord as “additional rent” to secure income owed. This allows the landlord to sue and collect the unpaid money in one court and one proceeding. Fees for services such as parking, health club, cleaning, concierge, or chauffeur, will be collectible as additional rent. If a tenant defaults on paying additional rent, the landlord is given the same remedies as if there was a default in payme

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